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(I was feeling a whole mood lol)
(I felt like I was writing or typing a book.)
(Lol, I swear that´s how I feel sometimes when rping)
(I have a liking for skinny fonts especially New Times Roman.)
(Meh. I prefer the Comic Sans font)
(Comic Sans is kind of silly yet cheerful looking font that reminds of the Undertale Sans.)
(Maybe I have a thing for serious looking fonts.)
(Fr tho!)
(Not me, they´re too depressing in my eyes. I prefer fonts like Comic Sans, Permanent Marker, etc)
(What in the??-)
(Where´d you come from??!!)
(Yeah..I prefer the word serious for them. I deeply inspired by aesthetics, two of them are dark and light academia)
(Kid, not so big)
TiredBitch said: (Yeah..I prefer the word serious for them. I deeply inspired by aesthetics, two of them are dark and light academia)
(Kid, not so big)
(That´s what she said, lol)
(Get your head out of the gutter)
(Nah, I´m good.)