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Squall lands on the ground as Aerith looks around, confused.
Aerith: "Where are we?"
Squall: "Hmm, I don't know."
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
(Aight, I'm good now)

*Azazel falls on his head. His neck snaps, and he dies. Hel, Adriana, and Aaron fall after, Hel making a barrier to break their fall.*

Hel: "Azazel?"

Adriana: "AAH! He's dead!"

Aaron: "That fall was fatal for him... where did we even fall?"
Aerith hears voices
Aerith: "Do you hear that? I wish Cloud was here."
Squall: "Cloud? Never mind..."
Squall pulls out his gunblade and went towards Aaron, Hel, Adriana, and Azazel

CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Hel: "Azazel? Hey idiot, get up!"

Adriana: "Why isn't he reviving?!?"

Aaron: "Hmm... maybe Revival isn't possible in this world?"

Hel: "What?!? So he's permanently dead?!?"

Adriana: "Will Hel die too?!?"
(I will be using FF items)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Squall appears near them
Squall: "Humanoid monsters?" 
(Hey Max.)
(what are you two fellow humans doing this fine morning)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Adriana: "Azazel! Please wake up!"

Aaron: "Dracula's gonna kill us..."

Hel: "..."

*Azazel suddenly jumps up. The area gets surrounded by Nullification.*

Azazel: "Damn, that took longer than expected."

Adriana: "Azazel?!?"

*Hel grabs Azazel.*

Hel: "You asshole! What took you so long?!?"

Aaron: "And you disabled our abilities!"

Azazel: "Hey, tell that to whoever made this ability."

(Just roleplaying)
(ya I can see that with all the final fantasy characters lol)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
( I actually have never played any of the final fantasy game lol)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
(Oop, they're pretty fun)