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Bugbugfishhh Bugbugfishhh
"Yay! My first friend! Hey, since we're friends now.."
the heart on her chest opens up and a piece of candy drops out into her hands
they smile at bell as they hand it to her

kittycat said: who likes the swiggity swooty)) 
@kittycat me)
*bonnie pulled foxy up and let him lean on him for a min* 

"uh cause.. will be a game!" *PG looked at lumi*
Foxy smiles, and leans against Bonnie for a moment. ¨Thank you, Heartie¨
Bugbugfishhh said: "Yay! My first friend! Hey, since we're friends now.."
the heart on her chest opens up and a piece of candy drops out into her hands
they smile at bell as they hand it to her

bell "what is this?" 
'are you okay to walk, foxy?'

*pg seemed nervous, he shut the other office door and sat down shaking*
Foxy looks at his damaged legs, then looks at Bonnie. ¨I wouldn´t risk it, I´m a pirate, not a daredevil¨
Bugbugfishhh Bugbugfishhh
Lumi answered bell with confusion
"It's candy! You eat it, or keep it to give to someone else. you don't know what candy is?"
Lumi then looked up at pg
"A game? Like hide-n-seek? I LOVE Hide-n-seek! Who else are we playing with...? ...Are.. are you okay..?"
annie looks around 

"i lived in a box until the other day so no"