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candy looks at steven* ...
Steven: see there's that perty face of your(he said putting her down) 
candy: m-meany 
Steven: no if I was being a meany I would of held ya over the edge of the building
candy just stares*
candy just stares*
Steven: ive noticed something about you candy
Steven: I think you like me(he grind and smiled)
candy starts turning bright red* w-what? pff no 
Steven: then why are you all red and stuff candy(he smiled and chuckled)
candy hides her face* im not you r * she runs off*
Steven: hehe thats what I was expecting from her I guess I have to go find her now(he said to himself following were she went taking his time)
candy runs to a  room and hides in the closet*
(Steven eventually walks to the same room and calls out to candy)Steven: candy your not in the closet are you