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Sweet, thanks!))
Name- Jade Callison
Age- 17
Gender- Female
Sexuality- Lesbian
Family/relationships- None
Personality- Funny, quirky, blushes easily, gets flustered easily, smart(only in certain areas like computers and technology), sarcastic, friendly, kind, courious, generous, helplful, kind of shy, protective of any friends that she gets
Likes- Drawing, reading, playing on her phone, eating, sleeping, shopping, spending time with any friends that she makes, swimming, watching TV, playing Minecraft and Among Us, school, wolves
Dislikes- People who disrespect her, people with bloated egos, running, hights, deep water, dolls of any kind, clowns, people who ignore her
Just pretend her hair is blond))
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
alright, your good to go))
Yay! Thanks!))
Jade walks around, her headphones on, listening to music on her phone on Spotify, the music turned all the way up, her phone in her skirt pocket, and her hands in her hoodie pocket.
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
wait, which pack will she belong to? there are the frosthunters, shadow seekers and hellhounds or if you want you can create your own pack))
Which pack are you, and kitty in?))
plz dont tell them) 
Tell. Me. Please.))
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
damian: *shrugs* it was something
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
(well max is in the hellhound pack)
A´ight, I´ll choose the Frosthunters I guess.))
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
(pfft, holy shit you chose the right back be complete accident)
How do you tell what pack someone´s in when you look at them? And lol. How?))