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Cherry: "You and your horrible luck with schedules."

ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
*Snoring on a bench in a park, nighttime*
Name: Fujiko Ju
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Wolf species: No Pack/Dog; Doberman
Dating status: Single
Personality: Feisty, Bold, Dominating, Sweet when you get to know her
Likes: Cigarettes, Booze, Bounty Hunting, Dark Chocolate, Spicy Food
Dislikes: Losing a bounty
Weapons: Guns

Element: Fire

ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
Fujiko Ju turned in her bounty earlier and was through the park as a shortcut to a bar.
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
*He groaned*
She saw Inei and walked over the bench.
Thought: I hope this isn't a junkie
"Hey buddy, get up."
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
"I dont want to..."
Fujiko: "Whatever, you fell asleep on a park bench."
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
"I-i did" *He yawns and starts to stretch*
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
(Nvm, I got to go)
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
(C u tomorrow)
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
((hello all))