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Every time I open one of my scenes, instead of the usual text on the left side, with the option to go into assets later, I open to a screen with the assets bar already open that is impossible to close. Animations for the selected asset is on the left, key frames on the right, layered over animation and commands. If I want to view the text of my VN, I have to first add a new page with dummy text, and only then does the text that I have already written show up.

Even once I get the text to appear, I am unable to edit it, nor can I open any of the other buttons to link it to choices or end the scene. I'm a pretty solitary person, and wouldn't be posting this if it wasn't actually impossible for me to finish this VN without getting these issues fixed. 

This isn't a cookies issue or anything of the sort. I have tested this on no less than three different computers, one of which isn't my own (library). I'm very stressed out ... I hope we can work together to find a solution soon ...
Hi there, your game is fixed. I found a bug caused by the new choice text alignment for default choices we added just a week ago. Thanks for finding this, I'll fix it tonight
Thank you so much for your hard work! 
czmAvery said: Thank you so much for your hard work! 
@czmAvery No problem, and it is fixed now. Thank you for finding this bug!