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spooken spooken
The ghost buddy talked in the high pitched voice again. Casper frowned. "He said he prefers neon colors. Not pastels...."
"Oh, I have some bright stuff! Should I wear it tomorrow, then?"
spooken spooken
The buddy just giggled and went back to Casper who crossed his arms. "Theres no need. He was just being mean."
"I don't think he was too mean!"
spooken spooken
Casper tilted his head. "Its still rude, especially since he just met you."
spooken spooken
Casper tilted his head. "Its still rude, especially since he just met you."
"I don't mind, though!"
spooken spooken
Casper looked slightly confused. "O-oh...."
He giggled. "I'm patient."
spooken spooken
Casper tilted his head. "You know, students aren't supposed to be here this late....."
"Hm? Should I go then?"
spooken spooken
"You didn't stay for a reason??" Casper asked.
He giggled. 'Well, I'm new here and wanted to walk around!"
spooken spooken
Casper sat on the desks again. "Oh...."
"But should I go now? Before I get in trouble?"