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((it is lol))
max: alright I want you to where a pair of cat ears *he said looking dominant and closing his arms *
Kiku looked at him, confused. "Cat ears? Seriously? Do you have those?"
max: well actually for hollowinean I dressed up as a cat in a had cat ears and I had a big head when I was little so it should fit nicely  

Kiku giggled. "Alright, good, an innocent reason. Go get them then, big head!"
max: hay you know what else becomes big you Brian so you can have more nolege  and alright * he quickly went into the basement and got them out of a box and came back up stairs having his hand grab it and giving  it to her * 
"Yours is just full of air!" kiku called jokingly, and took the cat ears. "They're cute!"
max: well I think the picture of me with them is in the basement somewhere 
Kiku giggled. "Show me!" she said and put the ears on. 
*max blushed and nodded * max: alright give me one sec * he said going down to the basement for a few minuets and comes back up with it giving it to her *
Kiku took it and smiled at it. "Oh, you were so cuuute!"
max: yep I was pretty cute back then *he smiled*
Kiku giggled and looked up at him. "But i dunno what happened!"
max: what happen *he Sid confused *
"How you turned to this!" She made an ugly joke.