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"chompette just let it happen for once"
"you never let me destroy happy moments..."
"...just think of...i dont fucking know...last time we talked!"
"you realize that makes me want to destroy it more right?" 
"then go somewhere else! i dont care!" (where's coco?)
(probably with Reese, it doesnt really matter)
*as soon as Kit walks into the wedding area, "Here Comes the Bride" plays*
(kit got off again ;-;)
(meeting adjourned for now)

oneinamillion oneinamillion
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*sits down in the front with the basket*
UnknownScars UnknownScars
(Back for now but no one is here...)
GrimesBlitzo GrimesBlitzo
¨Mr vincent do you take kit as your beautiful bride¨