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UnknownScars UnknownScars
*The scythe appears in my hand and I cut the mouse in two where the mouse was cut turns a slight grey around the edges* "Stupid mouse distracting me.."
*keeps moving big pieces of rubble*
*Vincent jumps back in shock, letting his mouse escape* "Dang it, there goes my little snack!"
UnknownScars UnknownScars
*The scythe disappears* "you shouldn't eat mice they carry diseases." 
"I was going to roast him when I was done playing with him."
"good lord" *looks around*
UnknownScars UnknownScars
"Sorry?" *Walks over to graham* "Why are you moving rocks?"
"im moving pieces of metals so i can fix my ship"
UnknownScars UnknownScars
"Oh, Need any Help?" 
"no thanks, im sure that i can do it myself" *goes over and picks up an arm for something mechanical*
*Vincent does the following hand sign* "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" *a thousand clones of Vincent appear*

UnknownScars UnknownScars
*Jumps in surprise* "AH!" *Darius looks around barks*
*all the clones at once* "We'll help out!"
*goes white* "n-not c-clones again" *my arm changes into a canon as i drop the arm*
UnknownScars UnknownScars
*Darius growls at graham and the scythe appears in my hand* "Uhh you okay there?"