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(*screaming into void intensifies*)
foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
(*creepy/evil smiles*)
("well it's been fun, ok, bye guys..." *walks towards the door*)
foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
(your not goin anywhere)
("yes i am, and im locking the door, k bye" *walks out the door and locks it*)
foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
(;w; but but but but daaaaa dooooooor)
((hazbin live stream reference in bound btw))
foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
(welcome to hazbin im back in hell again fuckin with the demons I'm not innocent they tell me)
(*starts to walk away from the door*)
foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
(;w; da doooor)
((your not even gonna try, yay))
foxythepiratefoxfox foxythepiratefoxfox
foxythepiratefoxfox said: (DA DOOOOR)
@foxythepiratefoxfox ((im confused now, what about the door))