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hey guys! this is my new fnaf roleplay! u can be whatever fnaf character u want in here! just not the Shadow Animatronics, not Springtrap/Willam Afton, not Nightmare Springtrap, and not Nightmare Foxy.

The Rules:
1: dont control other pples characters
2: no being too op
3: no having more than 2 types of Animatronics
4: no killing unless it was okd by me and the persons character that ur trying to kill
5: no being disrespectful
6: bc we have ppl on here who are sensitive, keep all sex stuff either to the spoilers, or the dms.

Animatronic type-if ur an animatronic:
Dating Status:
(hay slender mind if I do like a oc animatronic )
(try again with the name)
(Wait Can There Be Humans Or No?)

Name: Jeremiah 
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: (Doesn't Know Yet)
Species: Human
Powers: None
Family/relationships: Left his Two Sisters and Two Mothers
Dating Status:
Personality: Shy, Sweet, Handsome, Smart, Tech-Geek, Really into Music, Staying up with Friends, Has a Big Sweet Tooth
Likes: Energy Drinks, Candy, Sugar, Music, Making Sweet Drinks, Pizza, Weapons, Memes
Dislikes: Broccoli, Meals With out A Sweet Drink, People Who Try to Kill, Being Mean, Use, Him

(ok. u also have to have an animatronic of any kind besides the ones ive already listed as well. go onto google and look up fnaf animatronics)
(I already Know all of them)
(Can I Have Nightmare Golden Freddy!?)
(go for it. just keep in mind that the three strongest are Shadow Freddy, Ignited Bonnie, and Springtrap/William Afton. i ave Afton/Springtrap, Shadow Freddy, and if u want, u can take Ignited Bonnie. hes the strongest Animatronic. theres Ingited Bonnie, Springtrap/Afton, then Shadow Freddy)
Jeremiah: *Holds His Old Stuffed Teddy Bear as He Looks at the Pizza-Place*
(wait was that ok for me to have a oc animatronic )
Jeremiah: *Sighs and Walks in* Hello?
Name: Shadow Freddy/Rose
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Species: Animatronic/human
Animatronic type-if ur an animatronic:
Powers: Flying, teleportation, telekanesis, telepathy, shadow magic, hybrid-shadow magic, shape-shifting, superstrength
Family/relationships: her other Shadow Animatronicd
Dating Status: Single
Personality: Dark, serious, dry, blushes easily, gets flustered easily, highly protective of the Shadows, and the rest of the Animatronics, is kind of a slut
Likes: Flirting, sex, doing wat she wants, sleepig
Dislikes: Being bothered when doing anything she likes, getting disrespected, ppl who hurt the other Animatronics
Appearence: As a human- 
As an animatronic- 
(Shadow Freddy needs a ship. who wants to create her a ship? fyi. shes lesbain)