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Cassie looks at Damian. ¨Yes. You´re Damian Frost, right? One of the Runner Ups?¨

Owen looked at Huru, his face bright red.
*max was listening to the convo* max: whoa how did you know his name 
hana talks to her self trying to find the library

haru "w-what" him as red as a tomato  
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damian: *shrugs* thats my name, and who might you be?
max: ya misses strung lady whats your name 
Cassie puts a hand on her hip. ¨Cassie Write. One of the top three strongest alphas here.¨ Her tail swishes slowly, and her ears twitch every now and then.
max: ohh cool im Maximus but most people call me max (kitty want max to talk to Hana  
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
damian: *blank faced* not ringin' any bells, how do you know who i am anyway
hana just wants to find the library)) 
( ah got ya )
Cassie smiles, folding her arms, ¨Let´s just say that alphas of my ranking how their ways of finding out the information of a new alpha attending this school.¨

Owen takes a deep breath then looks at Huru, ¨H-hey Huru..?¨
max: what about me you didnt say my name 

hana gives up but does not go back to her brother bc weird and just looks around the school
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damian: *shrug* ok *turns and walks away* see ya around