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WolfyMoonStudios69YT said: Owen smiles, holding Haru close. ¨What do you have to be sorry ab?¨

Jack smiles.

Cassie picks up a basketball, tests it out, and once she´s satisfied, the goes to the 3 point line, dripples twice, and does a perfect step-back turn-around fadeaway, and makes a swish
max: whoa dang your good at that arnt ya
Owen raises an eyebrow at him, holding Haru close. ¨You´re not gonna say ´I love you´ back?¨, he giggles.

Jack checks his phone. ¨Hey Hana¨
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
damian: *just watches the clouds from the roof* why did i even join this school?
(What´s up?)
uh i just said thats when you say hi geez))
(Oh, right, my bad. Sorry Kitty!)
(Btw, question for you, Kitty)
opp sorry yes?)
(Would you like me to end the ship between Jack and Hana?)
(Well, since Hana´s your character, it´s your decision on if you want me to end the ship bewteen her and Jack or not)
im not sure yet))