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oneinamillion oneinamillion
*ash walks out to the kitchen to make some tea, looks down and see's she brought the hand gun with her*
*the Sniper tries shooting her but it hits the glass*
oneinamillion oneinamillion
"SHIT!" *ducks under the counter and tries to sneak around to her bedroom where wyatt is*
*Wyatt gets up try to rush home to his adopted Daughter*
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*Ash opens the bedroom door and falls in the doorway* "don't move"
W:''I-i gotta get home''
oneinamillion oneinamillion
"do they know where you live?"
W:''no. . .''
oneinamillion oneinamillion
"phew thats good but ill call a friend to check up on her just tell her the directions" *ash gets out her phone and dials a friends number* "here"
W:''check on who?''
oneinamillion oneinamillion
"shit.... um i can sense what people are going to do....."
oneinamillion oneinamillion
"um im sorry..."
W:''its fine''