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(Uhhh...he is now a corpse i believe idk....)
(*Sighs* Well shit. He told me to come join him here, but I guess I'm too late...)
(Hes being dumb...I bet hes faking....But he shouldn't be joking about a serious topic like that. It isn't funny....)
(Has he not told you?)
(Told me what?)
(He's got suicidal tendencies. He's already tried committing suicide before. He's been depressed for a while. The fact that he took this long to do it,is nothing short of a miracle.)
(I know. He talks about all the time, and thats all he talks about. This is triggering and I don't want to be talking about this stuff, so im going to go offline. )
(Well, I'll go to his place and check on him. Stay safe.)
(Hey, if you're still there, I just got to his place, he's not dead, but he's unconscious.)
DeLao DeLao
DeLao DeLao
(How ya doing?)