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“Perhaps it was because I’m like them”
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
Ms.Kane: *She raises her eyebrow in confusion* "Like them? What do you mean?"
“Oh, do u not know? Then i probably should say.”
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
Ms.Kane: "Please, I'm all ears" *She takes a swig of tea*
“No disrespect intended, Madame, but it’s not my information to disclose”
*the twins here this. Idk what reaction the have*
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
*Orion smiles*
*Levi Nudges him with his elbow* 
Levi: "Don't get to worked up.. Not like he even cares"
Orion: "Yeah.. true.."
Levi: "Sorry Brother.. I just don't want you to get attached then he leaves.."
Orion: "No, I understand Lev'.. It just means that where gonna be here longer"

Ms.Kane: "What do you mean? Are they Hiding something from us??" *She look concerned but really she was kinda frustrated*
“U clearly do not understand what it means when i say, It is not my information to disclose”
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
(Ms.Kane is a really nice lady and she loved the children its just the twins.. she gets frustrated with so I apologize if I make her seem like the lady from PN)

Ms.Kane: *She sighs* "Alright then Sir, I'll leave you to finish up. I need to go check on the other children. If you need anything please let me know." *She goes to walk out*
(What is PN?)
*walks over to the kids and kneels down*
”hey. This place seems like shit. How would u like to come with me? Once i get all of the paper work and stuff, ofc...”
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
(ohh Promise Never-land, didn't want to say it and trigger someone)

*Levi's eyes widen in shock*
*Orion stands there not knowing how to respond*
*They both smile and hug him*
Both: "Yes Please"
*smiles and hugs them back*
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
(Right, cause thar be SO many other people here.)
XxAshVirusxX XxAshVirusxX
(.... *Casually starts feeling bad about myself*.....)

Levi: "Ohh we forgot to Introduce ourselves, I'm ID1200. Levi half Angel half demon."
Orion: "And I'm ID6666. Orion full demon"
Levi: "We are Twins and 9 years of Age"
Orion: "Our Birthday is December 12th, 2011"
*They both stop to think if there is anything else to say*
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
(Why chu feel bad?)