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FnafForever98 FnafForever98
*He uses his force choke*
maximusGrimes maximusGrimes
Name: max galactic 
Height: 5:10
Personality: nice always wiling to help and can be aggressive at times  
Likes: music old space movies and helping planets   
Dislikes: people that try to harm him or any planet 
role: jedi 
relationship: none
type of space ship: a old 70s van with two laser terints that pop out of the top of the van by a press of a button and it has a cat riding a rocket in space on the side doors
(and sorry if im bad at this I didn't really watch much star wars so if I dont really get a lot of things my bad)  
(It's fine what weapon does he have tho?
maximusGrimes maximusGrimes
(im not sure let me think really quick)
maximusGrimes maximusGrimes
(ok he has a laser shotgun and a blue light saber)
Shinto Shinto
maximus0405055 said: Name: max galactic 
Height: 5:10
Personality: nice always wiling to help and can be aggressive at times  
Likes: music old space movies and helping planets   
Dislikes: people that try to harm him or any planet 
role: jedi 
relationship: none
type of space ship: a old 70s van with two laser terints that pop out of the top of the van by a press of a button and it has a cat riding a rocket in space on the side doors
(and sorry if im bad at this I didn't really watch much star wars so if I dont really get a lot of things my bad)  
@maximus0405055 that sounds like the ship from space balls
maximusGrimes maximusGrimes
(YES its supposed to be like it but instead of a winabago its a 70s van lol) 
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
(Can i be a mandolorian in this)
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
(Yay thanks)
Name: mandolorian
Height: 6'4
Personality: kind, always willing to help, Over protective of friends and family
Likes: music helping people out, friends 
Dislikes: people that harm his friends 
role: Mandolorian
relationship: none
type of space ship: the razor crest/ST-70 Assault Ship


likes: soup, Mandolorian
dislikes dirt rhino's

FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Mandolorian- Hi is anyone there