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FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Luke- get Up Mike do something
Mike- Why
*You can hear a low snarl*
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Mike- what is that
Nat:sounds like a wolf
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Mike- *Gets up slowly in human Form*
*Nats bat wings come out with razor sharp blades on them*
Nat: come out whoever you are
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
*A demon appears at the entrance to Mikes cave*
Mike- What do you want
Demon- nothing*as a evil look on his face*
Henry:hey you *points at demon* get me some coffee
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Demon- no i am busy right not*Walks over to Mike*
Henry:I said get Me Coffee
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Demon- NO!!!!!!*Smacks mike but then Mike gets mad and smacks the demon out of the den*
Henry:there goes my chance of getting coffee
*Wyatt comes out of a bush then stabs his claws into the demon's back*
Nara:WYATT*hugs him*