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She snuggles deeper into his chest in her sleep, and continues purring like a kitten.
He falls asleep snoring like a puppy
She eventually wakes up, and quietly watches him sleep, still snuggled deep into his chest.
Michael-Still floats above them Hello
She looks at him, smiles, and waves, then resumes wathing Chris sleep quietly, snuggled deep into his chest.
name: Wolfy
race: animatronic wolf
Pers. : sometimes MURDEROUS sometimes kind
weapons: Fangs, claws, Knifes, extra nightmare form arms (in nightmare form), Hypnotism
voice: mix of glitchtrap and twisted wolf(able to sound how he wants)
age: 36
Forms: Nightmare, Original, Ravaged, Withered, Molten, Funtime, Glam-Rock, Human, Ghost, Phantom, Shadow, Void, Twisted, Reaper, Glitch, Grim
allies:Glitchtrap, Vanny, Glitchwolf, Grim Foxy, Ennard, Molten Freddy, Michael, Chris, Elizabeth, William, Fetch, Pittrap, Stitchwraith, RXQ(YES I KNOW THE BOOKS)
attack power: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
defense power: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
job: singer at *Wolfy's Pizza Place*
Dislikes : being called a demon, being punched(eventhough he does not get hurt),Demons
HP: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
Gender: Male
looks: twisted wolf before he was twisted
lvl.: GOD
powers: teleportation, telekenesis, psycokenesis, able to change form to nightmare form if he wants to, super speed, Grim Foxy summon, Hypnotism
Attacks: neck snap, one tap, death touch, mind break, limboportation, Hypnotism
likes : killing, being called lord, listening to music
eye color : mix of purple and gray
Orientation : straight
Enemies : Toys and Rockstars
Height : 10ft
Weaknesses : NONE
Kids killed: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000