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DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble
Tim - No.
Brian - No thank you sir. We cant leave Jack
Owen- Hm, what if I gave you two security clearence to the Tech Labs?

Winter tps to Shadow Bonnie.
Winter- I can´t let my wife get hurt!
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Shadow Bonnie- get out of here or i will teleport you out of here*Teleports away from Winter*
Shadow- Bonnie get out of there
Bonnie- i am trying*Runs right into a tree*
DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble
DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble
Owen- Hm, okay. What if I transitioned you four to one of the other Underground stations?
There are several Underground stations. There´s the East Station in New York, the South Station if Florida, the Central Station in Chicago, Illinios, the Midwest Station in Colorado, the West Station in LA, California, the South West Station in San Francisco, and the Pacific North West Station in Oriegon, which is Owen´s Mansion, which is The Underground Headquarters.))

Winter- Why can´t I fight along side my wife..?
She hugs her knees tightly, floating there, with a hurt look on her face.
DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Shadow- This is not your fight you can't win i know you are strong but you won't win this battle let us Fnaf Take care of it there goes Shadow Freddy and Shadow Bonnie but we can take care of this
Owen nods.
Owen- Well, would you two mind doing me a favor please?
What Owen looks like as a wolf))

What EJ looks like as a demon-wolf hybrid))

Winter says nothing, but nods, hugging her knees tightly, floating.
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Shadow- Bonnie fight back
Bonnie- I am trying*Kicks hard but gets tossed away*
Hey FnafForever, may I please create a NEW Fnaf Animatronic that´s strong enough to help out in battles? Please?))

(Made it, you three can join if you want to. Just follow the rules while I am gone)
Group Chat
Okie, thanks!))
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
(I will make it as you Charater Nightmare Foxy is strong enough to help out but he  can still be beat down like the others but it does not make him the strongest nightmare he is still fourth but he is a little stronger than before and no you can not make a new fnaf animatronic)
DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble
Brian - what would that be sir?