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*he walked over the bridge towards max's building*
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
malachi wakes up scared and cold wondering what the hell is going on
*malachi could see a person walking across a bridge, a bow on his shoulder*
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
*he turned his head* ".?" *he stopped on the bridge*
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
*he kept walking, not saying anything, turning his head back*
Max: dame nothing * he said getting up from checking every inch of the room * max: ugh I really don’t want to walk across those bridges * he said scared but making his way to the bridge Malachi was on *
*he looked over at max, still on the bridge*
( I forgot if malchhie is dangerous)
(he is ranked at gaurian angel so yes, but hes acting like hes not yet, maybe he doesn't have his mask yet))
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
get the fuck away!
*he tilted his head and lifted his bow*
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767! please dont hurt me..!