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how many days you've been in this world:
rank(or mask):
(add anything else)

angel (smiling mask)
guardian angel (angry mask)
scout/messenger (emotionless mask)
closer to god (faceless mask, this mask breaks off and you look like survivor after)
survivor (no mask)
( oh my gosh I’m so sorry I had to eat and then I went with my family to check out a house )
Name: Maximus Schick 
Age: 19 
Pronouns: he/them
species: half human half cat  
rank(or mask):( lol I don’t know what to put here lol)
weapon(s): a old school pump acton sawed off  

(He drives a van ) 
GreenSkittles3000 GreenSkittles3000
Gender male
Likes Teasing people 
Dislikes goodie tooshoes
GreenSkittles3000 GreenSkittles3000
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
Name:Malachi Helton
rank(or mask):gaurdian angel
weapon(s): two knifes that can turn into swords
description/appearance:black and red hair blue green ish eyes. wears a sleeveless hoodie and baggy black pants with black boots. he doesnt trust very easly and has bad anger issues but yet a carefull person and loving just tries to hide becuase he thinks that is his weekness. he kills other masks and his is broken and wants to help people get back into their world and he can not go back with them.

he is secertly gay and hasnt came out of the closet and he is scared of everything but tries to hide it

updated the first post, now ill do mine))

Name: pyro
Age: 16
Pronouns: it/them/him
rank(or mask): emotionless mask
weapon(s): items to make various fires, usually wont use them unless in danger
without mask? minus the glasses lol
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
he was sleeping in a litte building shaking case to the cold
*max was rummaging through some rooms for any supplies * max: god I hate being up this high *he said looking out the window and getting a shiver in his back *
*solo looked off the rooftop to the ground, roads and sidewalks and plants* "i wonder who waters those plants, or if they are fake."
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
malachi had a few supply bags