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"To start a farm, to hide a secret, and to find someone who will change her life forever. 

Ren, a 24 year old woman, had just started a farm a year ago. She did so to have a quiet life where no one could bother her, and she could do the thing she loved most; taking care of animals. She didn't expect anything but a quiet life, and no one to ridicule her for who she was, and what she was hiding.

She was wrong about this, in this adventure, her solicited heart will be cracked open and warmed with the personality of someone unlike no other, but it's your job to help her with this."

This will be a short VN to get an idea of how things work, or at least that was the idea  when I started it. It's hard to say how long it will be though the plan is short. I have three arcs in mind and I'm almost done with the first. when I am done with the first I'll probably release the demo.
To Do List wait I know what I'm doing?
++ Story ++
Outline - Done

++ Characters ++
--Ren-- [Sprites - [size=12]mostly done[/size]] (may redo) - [VA]* [Character arc / backstory fully detailed]**
--Niko-- [Sprites - [size=12]mostly done[/size]] - [VA]* 
--Cow-- - Done
--Shadow-- [Sprites redone] [VA - [size=12]done[/size]]
NPCs - Sprites* VA*

++ Buttons ++
Need to redo certain ones.
Inventory items

++ Flags ++
Niko Happiness
Cow Happiness
Ren Happiness**
Inventory items
Buying and selling**

Backgrounds - Music - SFX - All done
*optional for Demo **optional for full
Sounds like a cute VN! Looking forward to it (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
waah i've been waiting for this for a while. glad to see it's still alive
Due to some technical issues with the assets, if I am to pick this up I will have to remake everything. As much as I love this project I have no idea if I will be finishing it.