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Ro Ro
I place my hand on my cheek and look at you my face slightly glowing. I nod hoping my blush wasn't too bright.
GriwienReed GriwienReed
Reaches out to you* Shall we? 
Ro Ro
I take your hand and breath in. "Lead the way."
GriwienReed GriwienReed
As you wish. *10 minutes later, we arrive* Here we are. Some of my friends work here. Although there's one that's a bit... eh... quirky, to put it kindly.
Ro Ro
I look around taking everything in but keeps my eyes open for any sign of danger. "Cool..." I whisper turning in a circle to get a full view before accidentally bumping into you. "Sorry!" I squeak out looking down and backing away.
GriwienReed GriwienReed
Heh. It's fine. I guess we're in for a "bumpy" ride, huh? 
Ro Ro
I smile looking up at you relaxing that you hadn't got mad. "Hah I guess so." Sees something in the distance glowing in one of the buildings. "What's that?" I asked hinting towards the light just before it suddenly disappears.
GriwienReed GriwienReed
I'd vanish, then reappear, holding a man holding a lantern* *He is terrified* Gently puts him down and he stands in fright* Rest, child, rest. Gently taps his forehead and he is knocked out*
Ro Ro
I back up eyes wide with fear. "What did you do to him?" I asked taking another step back and looking around my wings slowly opening for an emergency take off. My breathing start to quicken and I begin to panic.
GriwienReed GriwienReed
Relax. It's just a knock out spell. He's a human. He's not used to seeing people like us. I have to wipe his memory and return him to his village. 
Ro Ro
I keep my distance from you still breathing heavily. "That's what they had said." I mumbled barely audible for you to hear. I begin to look around now every sound making me jerk that way. "I-I...I have to go!" I shout flinging myself into the air and flying away wishing I hadn't let my guard down. "Rule number one is don't trust anyone. You need to remember that!" I started to growl at myself tears streaking my face at the memories of everyone I had trusted. "Rule number two, don't let your guard down." I was crying now my sight blurring here and there. I was in my own crippled world when a dark shadow grabbed my, smoldered my flames and dragged me into the darkness with it.
GriwienReed GriwienReed
Yol toor shul!!! *Fire emits from my mouth and burns the shadow* Keep you grimy hands off of her! 
Ro Ro
The shadow screeched and disappeared leaving me on the ground unconscious and my flames all gone. My breathing was barely noticeable except the fact that my wings were moving from the rise and fall.
GriwienReed GriwienReed
You were always one to be unaware... ever since we were kids... *Uses flame magic to re ignite your wings, careful not to burn any of your skin* There we go... Now... consciousness regained in 3... 2.. 1.
Ro Ro
I jump up gasping for air as if I had been holding it. I look around shaking almost ready to cry. I wasn't safe. I was never going to be least that was what I though. I look over at you and my flames grow with hope but quickly goes back to normal showing that my guard was back up with you.