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-shuts the door- I would not want to upset the Elders your highness but I believe you should marry for love 
-sighs- I don’t give a fuck about the elders I ain’t marrying a woman! I have an assignment for you.
* situbi was cooking some food *
Of course what is it Your Highness?
Find me someone, anyone at all who I could possibly make my future king.
Yes of course does that include traveling out of the kingdom if needed 
( oh boy is situbi going to be in "anything " wink wink  and. if not thats cool lol XDD)
(Maybeee that’s up to Deku)
If needed.
(IDK it it happens it happens)
Of course your Highness it is a bit late so I will get started on it tomorrow morning after my morning patrol
Yes of course...Should I change into my Armor just in case of a threat
Eh, whatever. Take Baku boy with you he’s fucking annoying when you’re not around. -eyes widen- You heard nothing, he hates you.
... -blushes- Y-Yes your Highness 
(well im already in this I guess I cant turn back when anything odd happens XDD)
Good, now get out. Come here Fluffy.. -grabs his snake and drapes it over his neck petting it- Hey before you leave, tell situbi to bring up some food for fluffy.