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* max was dead asleep because he hasn’t slept for four days and snores loudly *
-groans- that snoring is gonna be the death of me 
D:-Makes his way to the mall-
* max was hanging halfway off the bed almost falling*
(making this for one of my friends to help them get a start)
Name: Katsuki Bakugou (Kacchan)
age: 18
gender: Male (Alpha)
species: half human half wolf hybrid
Personality: Very loud has anger issues 
skills:Very good fighter is amazing with knifes and guns
likes: Deku and spicy food
dislikes:Being told what to do and Seeing the nerd get hurt
backstory:Was working with the Deku with his power to be a police Officer but got separated from him the first week in the Outbreak and now is looking for him
R:-reading a book- 
D:-makes it to the mall-
B:-looking for supplies- Come on their has to be food somewhere
* max then falls off making a loud thud and wakes up* max: ah shit ow that hurt
-laughs and continues to read-
-finds a tiny bid of food stashed away- Yes!
* max slowly gets up and rubs the back of his head and walks out of the furniture store* 
-was grabbing her gun-

D-trying to get into the mall- all the entrances are blocked 
* max thought it be good to check in on Rosie and looks for her and eventually stumbleing apon her * max: morning there Rosie 
-going to the ladder that goes outside with her gun-
D:How am I gonna get in
* max follows behind curious on what she was doing *
-packs the food deciding not to eat and grabs his dagger-