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ReedWriterBoi ReedWriterBoi
Venom, Carnage, Riot, Scream, Agony, Toxin, Anti-Vemon.. All symbiote's created by the god himself, Knull.. See yourself, Y/N, who was able, to obtain.. and host, a symbiote. Eddie Brock still owns Venom, however, but Carnage and Riot seem to have a new.. Host.


Preferred Pronouns:
Are You A Symbiote Host?:
Symbiote Looks(If You Have One):


1: Do not harass anyone.
2: Do not be sexist, or racist.
3: This is LGBTQA+ Friendly, I am, however not LGBTQ.
4: Be fair in fights, write "Tries to" or "Attempted to" if you want the person who dodges, or chooses if they get hit if you're doing a combo, don't kill them instantly, or cause intense damage unless permission is given.
5: OC's are allowed.
6: Please, have grammar, and use " ". Like for example (Adian ran into the house/dorm and shouted, "AY WHO ATE THE CHICKEN!"
7: And that's about it, I think I'll add more eventually, but for now, this is all.
ReedWriterBoi ReedWriterBoi
Name: Eddie Brock
Age: 32 YR
Sexuality: Straight
Gender: Male 
Preferred Pronouns: He/Hm
Are You A Symbiote Host?: Yes
Weapons: Anything that Vemon has.
Personality: Eddie is smart, strong-willed, tough, and if he sets his mind to it, deducing. Unfortunately he is also a tad psychotic.

Symbiote Looks(If You Have One):

ReedWriterBoi ReedWriterBoi
Name: Aran(Pronounced Aaron) Naeson
Age: 33
Sexuality: Doesn't care about sexual things..
Gender: Male
Preferred Pronouns: He/Him 
Are You A Symbiote Host?: "Of course.."- Aran Naeson
Weapons: Anything that a symbiote can do.
Personality: A quiet and malevolent man, always waiting to cause CHAOS. As a result, he has lost his sanity and works mostly on stealing all of the Symbiotes.. for himself.


Symbiote Looks(If You Have One):


ReedWriterBoi ReedWriterBoi
Name: John Williams
Age: 18
Sexuality: Straight
Gender: Male
Preferred Pronouns: He/Him
Are You A Symbiote Host?: Yes
Weapons: High Agility and Resistance, measures strength with a slightly weaker Venom.
Personality: He's pretty nice, he keeps to himself however, he believes his Symbiote, Virus is a hazard to him. It keeps people who's seen him transform thinking he's a monster, turning him into a big of a sociopath.

Symbiote Looks(If You Have One):

Can I be Venom? He´s my favorite!))
ReedWriterBoi ReedWriterBoi
TheMinecraftGodHerobrine said: Can I be Venom? He´s my favorite!))
@TheMinecraftGodHerobrine Vemon is taken.... But, you can anyone else!)
(Can I be a custom Symbiote?)