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(Bye, i gtg)
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
Logan: *Starts Taking of His Pants and Underwear* Alight I'm ready!

(Alright See You Later)
(Hello there)
W: Why, hello there! Now I"m guessing you*Points at Logan* might be Logan?
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
(Oh Fuck How Am I Supposed to Start this)
(Just respond please)
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
Logan: Yes I am Logan *Looks at the Stranger*
W: Well, then. I'm Wolfy, and I'm here to get that "Help Wanted" Sign off your building!
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
Logan: Oh I'm Not the the Manager I'm Head Security and Co-Manager! 
W: And, since you're Co-Manager it means you share power with the other Manager!
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
Logan: Yeah Let's Step inside my Office! *Walks to the Security Office*
W: So, how does this interview go?
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
Logan: *Sits in his Chair and Points at the Chair In Front* I'm Going to Ask you a Few Questions?
( mind if I join
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
(I'm not the Creator But I was the Only One Keeping this Alive so yeah)
( I here ya lol and ok sweet