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Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
*Mark walks up* his name is max and his nickname is scuba also he has is out sick (I get back from college classes at 12 tomorrow because of the weather here in Pennsylvanian so I will be on tomorrow after lunch)
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Bonnie- hello anwer me someone
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
Heyes Logan have you seen our new anime animatronic yet there name is anime puppet also if they sit on your character they feel as lite as a normal girl and if when hugged end up between there boobs you can breathe 
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
phantom puppet is being beat up by her ex aKa toy bonnie aND her ass is showing 
Goes and punches toy bonnie* Mark"jack ass"*is pointing middle finger at toy bonnie 
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
Helpsychology phantom puppet find some new pants phantom puppet : thanks
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
Logan: Yo WTF happened And Why toy Bonnie Beat Up!?
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
He hurt the new anime animatronic 
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
Logan: Im Here on my shift 

(Logan's Outfit) 
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
Where is foxy is crying at her cove while wearing  his manager outfit