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Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
I will  be back on in a few hours scuba ok
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
(Who can i be)
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Name: Bonnie the bunnie 
Race animatronic or human also only I can be a twisted hUmar also they can turn into a animatronic
Power very stong but can get beat
Gender: male
Gender liked: female
Weapons: does not have any weapons 
Likes: friends, music, 
Dislikes: bullies
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Bonnie: where is everyone(bonnie walks into the room)
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
Name: Logan

Height: 5'11

Weight: 214

Gender: Male


(Hobbies): Playing Video Games, Eating Food, Working out, Baking, Loves taking Walks or Jogs, Watches MEMES, Cuddling With my Ferret, And Talking to people, Playing Airsoft!!!

Likes: Horror Movies, Video Games, Books, Animals, ANYTHING SWEET, MEMES, (Some romance movies) Airsoft Wars, Shooting people With Airsoft Guns etc. etc.

Dislikes: Really Cheesy Movies, Some Vegetables, Getting Mad for no Reason, LOSING PEOPLE!

Fav Artists: XXXTENTACION, Juice WRLD, Lil Peep, Maroon 5, Travis Scott, Lil Tjay, etc.

Job: Assistant Night Guard!?!?

Weapons: Fists during work, Air Pistol (for any Trespasser's only if that's ok)

Looks like 
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
Heyou unknown your a assistant nightguard because scuba is the nightguard and I am the Manger who helps the guards with work also the anime animatronics are harmless and do not shoot any animatronics or you die from random knife in head and neck  from ceo named John foxy also mark and max are your bosses thanks 
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
New anime animatronic 
Phantom puppet 
Gender girl 
Likes nice people friends and books
Personality shy kind will open up eventually 
animatronic like but is human Ish has puppets power to tel port still
Power can float 
Dislikes same things as Logan
listens to music by Jucie wrld
Is straight 
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
Forgothe looks 
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
Forgothe looks 
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
Forgothe looks 
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
Well hello new animatronic phantom puppet am I correct puppet:yep
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
Guys I have college during week also I am 22 but pretend  I am older I do have a wife though you will never know her name my college is online but I am not aloud to have my phone down in the room with my computer in it so I do not cheat which is what I use for here
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
Logan: So Assistant Night Guard Huh well at least the pays good 
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
(Bonnie walks into the room)  Bonnie- Hello 
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
Logan: *Walks around*

Logan: Where's Scuba At I'm supposed too meet him so we can start the Shift