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ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
"ONLY MAngle and Me can have you now"
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
Also jungle you get anime animatronics
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
Freddy  bonnie and chica non anime just hang out in party room one all day but anime versions do leave there can be 6 animatronics on stage in party room party room 2 has toy and phantom anime phantom foxy is a stalker 
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
(K) "Ar, Now i willl leave" *leaves*
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
You get the anime based off of manglealso I get anime phantom foxy

ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
Void my last message 

Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
I ment was I get anime phantom foxy 

ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
(So what’s this role play about?)
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
Time skip next night one day till the stalker and anime phantoms arrive plus anime bonnie and chica
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
(I gonna wait for graham)
Johnfoxy Johnfoxy
It a mix between fnaf and fnia
( that’s it not trying to be mean i was just wondering is all)