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( whaaaaaat scaredy to try it Lol XDDDDDDD)
IzukuDripdoriya IzukuDripdoriya
(lol XDDD) max: well ill see ya around demon dude 
IzukuDripdoriya IzukuDripdoriya
"My names Issac!!" He walked inside closing the door and falling asleep on the couch
max: Issac the tail cuter demon huh interesting *he  said while going into his van and picking his half cut tail and flopping onto the bed he had in there 
IzukuDripdoriya IzukuDripdoriya
IzukuDripdoriya IzukuDripdoriya
Kk) -Next day-
* max woke up after passing out from the Night before and yawning and stretching *
IzukuDripdoriya IzukuDripdoriya
Issac woke up on the floor "Damn I really did fall-" He got up going outside and knocking on Max's car door 
*max then gets up and opens the door * max: oh is sic the tail cutting demon good morning 
IzukuDripdoriya IzukuDripdoriya
"Morning. Wanna eat breakfast with me? Its an apology-"
max: hmmmmmmmmmmm ya why not I haven't really eaten anything real for a while *he said getting out and closing the door *
IzukuDripdoriya IzukuDripdoriya
"Lets go then" (Also he is very rich) Issac grabbed his arm walking inside
(goooot ya ) max: whoa bit forceful I reken  *he chuckled