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FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Mike: i am bored(mike wolves join in on running in a circle and runs max over)
maximum: hey how about I take this huge stick and throw it as far as possible and se who is the first one to get it
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Mike: okay lets do it
(maximum finds the biggest stick he could and throw it as far as possible) 
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
(Mike reaches it first the other wolves start to fight mike for it)
maximum: come on the first person to get it back gets some bacon
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
(Mike tosses all of the other wolves aside and rand the stick to max)
maximum: hey good job bro here have the biggest peace of bacon ill get your other wolves some more smaller ones 
maximum: hey how about this why don't we just take the day off and do something people would do back before zombies came 
maximum: we can leave Charlie alone to sleep and all that (and I mean when dancing59 gets back on)
maximum; hey Wyatt why don't you join me on a scavenging run 
''u-u-uh s-sure''
*Wyatt turns into his Wolf form and goes on a scavenging run with Max*
maximum: alright now the thing we are trying to look for is tons of gas and food because we are kinda running low and all I got is two peaces of bacon and here you can have one if you want 
*Wyatt get exited*
maximum: here man (tases it to Wyatt)