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DeLao DeLao
She grabbed his hand, hers being deathly cold.
Max: wow your hands are like ice * he said while leading her to his bed * max: alright sit down and I’ll be right back ok 
DeLao DeLao
She sits on the bed and looks at him. "Thank you..."
Max: of course this is really the only way I can repay to the miss that saved my life after all * he smiled and went and got some healing appliances for bruises and came back * ( ok now getting I. The shower lol) 
DeLao DeLao
She smiled at him and waited till he left the room.
( he went out side the room to get the medical stuff lol ) * max then left the room to get the stuff*
DeLao DeLao
She teleported back home after he left.
( I’m going to say max went to the store to get the medical stuff and then came back after a good like 20 minutes or something like that how dose that sound)
DeLao DeLao
* max came back from the store * max: hay sorry I didn’t have anything medical in the place so I had to go to the shop and get some um how are you feeling 
DeLao DeLao
She wasn't there.
Max: uh rea * he said not seeing her in the room then went and checked the hole apartment and didn’t find her* max: where on earth dose that lady keep on disappearing to 
DeLao DeLao
She reappears back on the bed.
* he then grabs the medical stuff and walks back to the room not expecting her to be there and jumps from seeing her * max: WHAO Jesus you scared me there 
DeLao DeLao
"It worked" she smiled as she spoke.