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(Is there a sheet i can use?)
(Not really)
TiredBitch said: Name - Diavolo Morningstar
Gender - Male
Age - ?
Height - 5'8
Sexuality - Pansexual
Species - Fallen Angel
Universe - Castaway
Background - The vice ruler of Hell in the Castaway universe, Diavolo is the younger brother of Lucifer. He tends to be classy and very polite but serious when comes to his work. He also enjoys wine and good novels.
On Black Wings - Allows the user to manifest raven black wings out of their back and fly like a bird. The wings are extraordinary tough and have enough strength to knock a car over. Once the wings are manifested they can not be put away for twenty four hours.
Hallucinations - The user releases an invisible gas from their body that causes anyone who breathes it in to hallucinate about anything the user wants them to. Once someone figures out it's a gas causing the hallucinations they could hold their breath to remove the power's effectiveness completely.

Voice Claim:

(I do my sheets like this if you want to use a blank version of it)
(Ok, thanks)
(Do you want the voice claim section in the template?)
(Sure,  but what is it?)
(Well how to explain this? Well, I take a video of another character's voice that I think what my character sounds like)
(Oh, sure, that’s be good)
Name -
Gender -
Age -
Height -
Sexuality -
Species -
Universe -
Background -

Voice Claim:

 Name - Sasuko Uchiha
Gender - Female
Age - 19
Height - 5’7
Sexuality - Bisexual
Universe - The First
Background - Same as Sasuke of OG
Powers - Rinnegan, Mangekyou Sharingan(combo of Itachi’s and Obitos, plus her normal Mangekyou powers. Her Mangekyou looks like combo of Itachi’s and Obito’s), Lightning Style, Fire Style, Sharingan
Appearance -

"So several universes collided to make one big universe or explosion?", a man with white hair stood on the only piece of still land. Outside of that area was the deep void called space as he watched several pieces of universes fly around in a spiral like a tornado. Anyone who stepped out of the only still piece of land would fall into the void. 
( so then are characters fall off into the void )
(Idk, better hope they are on that piece of land lol)
 ( lol is the pit just like at an end of a cliff in the world lol XDD)