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Monty-Damn You hear a metal clank coming from his legs
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
(No body can fix Freddy no one only the staff bots can fix him)
Gregory- he is gone he was here*Looks around
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
(only the staff bots can fix the animatronics)
Glamrock Bonnie finds one of the Staff Bots, and points at Freddy's body.
Glamrock Bonnie finds one of the Staff Bots, and points at Freddy's body.
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
(Freddy is gone no body can find him)
Gregory- he is gone but there is a oil trail but it stops
Monty-oh well find roxy she is better at running and tracking than me
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Moondrop- maybe i can help too
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Staff Bots- i might have found him
Roxy- yeah me too
Glamrock Bonnie looks at Monty, blushes, and smiles.
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
*at that moment Freddy falls his room with a very loud thump that the others can hear it
Glamrock Bonnie- I heard it too!
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Gregory- i am going to check it out*runs off*

She nods, and looks back at Monty, smiles, and blushes.