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maximusGrimes maximusGrimes
David: oh ok blame it on the loser I see what your up to you fucking snake 
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Gym: "Milo does do that quite a lot, doesn't he?"

Milo: "Well, then tell me... what does everyone here except for David have in common here?"

Science: "...He's not covered in glue and feathers?"

Milo: "He was also the only one to climb down slowly when a 'fire' came out, which not only is a deadly situation, but to avoid getting humiliated?"

Math: "It does add up..."

Gym: "David, do you have any defense for this?"
maximusGrimes maximusGrimes
David: first I already knew SOMEONE or SOME GROUP was planning on something like always two I wasn't going to jump threw a fucking glass Window and three check for prints im sure its not my finger prints on any of this stuff  
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Milo: "Oh really? If you knew some group was planning something, then why didn't you stop it, huh? And if you really thought jumping was dangerous, why didn't you tell anyone else?"

Robert: "Yeah, he's crazy! Guy hit me before for no reason!"

John: "He's lashing out because of his insecurities!"

Emilia: "Do something about him! All my stuff is ruined!"

Principal: "Alright, alright... we shall determine this for good. Check for prints."

*The science teacher takes a couple minutes to check the stuff used.*

Science: "Hard to tell since we all fell in the bush... but I checked the cardboard fire on the side. Nothing. Must've had some high-tech gloves."

Principal: "Then there's only one thing to do... everyone, school dismissed."

*A collective cheer goes throughout the yard as they run home.*

Principal: "Milo and David... come with me."

*The Principal walks... off campus?*
maximusGrimes maximusGrimes
David: oh you fucking dick (he proceeds to fallow the principle)
maximusGrimes maximusGrimes
David: oh you fucking dick (he proceeds to fallow the principle)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
*Milo shakes his head and follows.*

Milo: "Hey man, for real... if you think I'm bad... just wait till you see where we're going."

*The bully group watches them leave.*

Emilia: "Ugh, now I got no one to come with me and buy clothes."

John: "May I-"

Emilia: "No, you perv!"

*Robert laughs.*

Robert: "You don't think he's gonna get it again, is he?"

John: "Oh, he is... and we'll be lucky if we're not dragged into it."
maximusGrimes maximusGrimes
David: do you guys every do anything with your lives besides messing with people to the point they cry you and your fucking friends are fucking eaten himself 
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Milo: "Hm? I'm rich, what am I supposed to do with my life?"
maximusGrimes maximusGrimes
David: I dont fucking know give money to a charity or by a fucking therapist or fucking just by the greatest gaming company there is you fucking spoiled shit head  
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Milo: "..."

*He grabs David's shirt and slammed him into a wall.*

Milo: "Oh, you think you know me, huh, you incoherent dictionary?!? Is that all you can say? Fuck? Well, try having you mother jum-"

Principal: "We're here.

*Milo looks at the courthouse, then lets go of David.*

Milo: "Forget it. You'll get your suffering anyway, so watch your mouth around this freak."

*The Principal opens the doors.*
maximusGrimes maximusGrimes
David: ok principle uh why are we at a court house 
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Principal: "Well-"

Judge: "Who started that damn fire?!?"

Principal: "Now if we could just-"

Judge: "Why is it never orderly around here?!?"

Milo: "...Now I know how it looks, but never speak to her unless she speaks to you."
maximusGrimes maximusGrimes
David: I guess you got a point (then David walks to his seat)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Judge: "These are the two suspects?"

Principal: "Yes, we believe an earlier confrontation convinced one of them to do this."

Judge: "Alright, 6 months of Community Service for both of them!"

Milo: "WHAT?!?"

*He stands up.*

Milo: "You're not even gonna try to figure out who did it?!?"