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Danceing56 Danceing56
I gave an action to one of the buttons, it does what it was meant to do but when I clicked to go to the next page it wouldn't move

The screen moves with it but it's not loading any of the words into the text box

I'm not sure if it's a bug, it could be coming wrong with my visual novel but I'm not entirely sure
Please make sure none of your assets are broken. If this is still happening, let me know the link of this scenes. Which page this is happening and what exactly you are trying to do with it.
Danceing56 Danceing56
DAX said: Please make sure none of your assets are broken. If this is still happening, let me know the link of this scenes. Which page this is happening and what exactly you are trying to do with it.
I checked my assets and all of them are working fine, the problem is with page 6(scene: Introduction) for Huniepop: Quickie Central, when you press the button(or screen) it goes to page 6 but it won't go to the next page
I'm trying to get it to go to page 7 so I can help the players understand how to navigate the game

I tried deleting 6 and put it back but the problem is still there
@Danceing56 the problem is your button filled the whole stage.

Look here, the red area indicated the hit area of your Scroll Down button, it filled the whole stage.

You need to crop down your button to only have the button as the whole image. It cannot have any empty spaces. 

Delete the red area, only crop the Scroll Down box, leaves no empty area

Danceing56 Danceing56
Oh! Alright, thank you for pointing this out for me, I'll fix this right away