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Oh… i see. Well, my pollen probably deal with that…
stevie: were did  that butler dude go he could probity tell me who owns this place and by golly if this mansion docent shout resident evil then I dont know what will (he said to himself looking around still) 
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
*The butler appears behind Stevie.*

Butler: "Yes, Stevie?"
*give another does of pollen to the girl* there, that should heal you completely
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Azazel: "Hm... should we get some food for her?"

*The girl grabs Azazel's hand.*

Azazel: "...Uh... okay... I'm stuck here, I guess?"
I’ll go get the food. Where’s the kitchen?
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Azazel: "Right behind the stairwell."
(stevie jumps out of fear not expecting him) stevie: holy heck man!! you scared the hell out of me (he said calming down from his scare)stevie: well any ways your just the person I wanted to see actually 
Got it. *goes to the kitchen and grabs some food and makes some BLT’s*
(alrighty dont be a sloping stranger snazzy )
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
(Damn, see ya)

Butler: "What did you need?"

???: "It would just mean that I'll protect you from here on out."

Azazel: "Weird, considering you're about to die... but hey, I could use an ally. What do I do?"

???: "Just grab my hand and say my name. Hel, Princess of the Underworld."

Azazel: "Hel... PRINCESS OF THE WHA-"

*Their hands start to glow.*
stevie: ya am who owns this place and how did you know my name I never meet you before 
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
David- *still asleep against the door*
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
*A bat sits on David's head.*

Butler: "I have the ability to read minds. My contractor is Azazel. He owns the mansion."

Azazel: "What's happening?!?"

Hel: "I-"

*They're both blasted to the ground.*