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Name- Eita Hanada
Age- 16
Gender- Male/demigirl (he/him)
Sexuality- Pansexual
Polyamory Open?-
Height- Short
Personal Problem- Generalized anxiety, depression, other stuff happening 
Intelligence- 8/10
Power- 2/10
Speed- 9/10
Friendship Skills- 8/10
Romantic Game- 3/10
Empathy level- 10/10

CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Mothunny said: ((you could have said what ones you considered reviving

((oh that would be an alright idea, what kind of info would be leaked? maybe illegal stuff with her family?
@Mothunny (I guess lol)

(Yeah, something like that)

((coolcool. mafia time
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Mothunny said: Name- Eita Hanada
Age- 16
Gender- Male/demigirl (he/him)
Sexuality- Pansexual
Polyamory Open?-
Height- Short
Personal Problem- Generalized anxiety, depression, other stuff happening 
Intelligence- 8/10
Power- 2/10
Speed- 9/10
Friendship Skills- 8/10
Romantic Game- 3/10
Empathy level- 10/10

@Mothunny (Empathymore like 12345678767546786540567543556754345457654/10)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
((yes well we'll just pretend that its 10
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
(If you see Crimson Dragon, that's what I'm changing into this rp)
((alright cool, i went to look at it but saw that you deleted the first post XD
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
(XD yeah, I can't delete others posts though)
((ah k lol, lmk when you post the new one?
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
(Imma try editing it right now)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
(Imma call it Troll for now, maybe change it later)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
(XD what does that have to do with internet trolls? Or info leaking?)