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oneinamillion oneinamillion
hey ya'll um this is just for anyone who wants to roleplay
(An new place to roleplay, aye)
Name: Akari Oden

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual

Zodiac Sign: ♏Scorpio

Height: 5'6 ft (170.688 cm)

Species/Race: Demon, Japanese

Weight: 127 lbs (57.6062 kg)

Power(s): Pyrokinesis - Gives the user the ability to control fire with their mind
  • If fire goes out of control, the fire will attack her
  • Overuse causes small burns

Likes: Starry Nights, Romance Novels, Bonfires, Chocolate

Dislikes: Bullies, Exams, Messy Eaters

Personality: Sweet, Lively, Outgoing, Hopelessly Romantic, Playful


Shinto Shinto
YourLocalMadwoman said: Name: Akari Oden

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual

Zodiac Sign: ♏Scorpio

Height: 5'6 ft (170.688 cm)

Species/Race: Demon, Japanese

Weight: 127 lbs (57.6062 kg)

Power(s): Pyrokinesis - Gives the user the ability to control fire with their mind
  • If fire goes out of control, the fire will attack her
  • Overuse causes small burns

Likes: Starry Nights, Romance Novels, Bonfires, Chocolate

Dislikes: Bullies, Exams, Messy Eaters

Personality: Sweet, Lively, Outgoing, Hopelessly Romantic, Playful


@YourLocalMadwoman i was about to make my character i scroll down and see thicc why must it always happen to me
Shinto Shinto
why dose everyone send thicc pics its torture))
(Nah, just felt making my character hot)
Shinto Shinto
((ay respect that im a conesuer ))
(I don't mind)
Shinto Shinto
YourLocalMadwoman said: (I don't mind)
@YourLocalMadwoman ya gotta learn to appreciate the classics 

its what seperates the perverts from the conesuers 

Shinto Shinto
(So when is your character ready?)
Shinto Shinto