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paid  membership by paypal but does not show premium statuts. what to do?
It shows up on your profile to me:

As well as your forum user pic:

Can you clarify more on what you mean by not showing up? Do you mean on your paypal account?
Oh sorry; I apologize,  it does show up as ninja level. But Is it not considered premium level? I  have no option to upload images directly from my laptop.
So the premium membership works a bit differently than the premium game projects. To make your games premium, you'll have to upgrade them manually or create a premium game upon the game project creation, instead of the freemium game option. 

The reason why the premium games are different is because premium games last forever, there is no time limit. For premium memberships, it lasts only a month/year, so there is a time limit.

So you need to go to your dashboard to manually upgrade it to premium.

Since you have premium membership, upgrading to premium is available for 1 game every day. To make another premium game, you must wait 1 day until you can make another premium game.