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suki rolls her eyes "alright"
suki rolls her eyes "alright"
suki rolls her eyes "alright"
situbi: hay I dont want to go on this trip ether but the king is making us so we have to so come on *he said walking a little bit *
* situbi leads her to the wagon that was assigned to them * situbi: alright just put your stuff in the back then we can head out *he said throwing his stuff in the back and then getting up front *
suki puts her bag in the wagon
situbi: alright get *he said while taking the rains *
*situbi then started to move the wagon with out her in it to be funny *
suki "opp i guess im not going. im going back inside 
situbi: ya then you get punished by the king 
suki "i bet i wont! i will just tell him you left me! bye" walks away 
*the thing was the king was just out side were they were and situbi stops the acreage not even a foot where it was before  * 

king: SUKI!!!!!