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we can rp is ducks or just talk about ducks
if rp here is sheet 

ducks name: 
age of duck: 
gender of duck: 
about duck: 
color of duck: 
what is this kitty lol
what does the name say 
the ducks lol
join the ducks 
ducks name: Goose (the duck)
age of duck: knife
gender of duck: knife
about duck: nom knife
color of duck: yellow

ducks name: yellow duck with pick knife ( yuri
age of duck: 14 small duck  
gender of duck: knife girl 
bout duck: pink knife 
color of duck: yellow 
(what's with the knifes lol)
 see knife duck 
(oh god no lol)
knife ducks)
you agreed to this, there's no going back)