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if anyone is curious in joining a cloudnovel discord server where we talk about the unhinged things sonya has said, dm me on discord! my tag is dilf#6502  and ill send u a server inv !! we want to make it a safe space for anybody who has been personally impacted by sonya/if you are curious about what has been going on with cloudnovel and the emails being sent out :)
kallie44 said: if anyone is curious in joining a cloudnovel discord server where we talk about the unhinged things sonya has said, dm me on discord! my tag is dilf#6502  and ill send u a server inv !! we want to make it a safe space for anybody who has been personally impacted by sonya/if you are curious about what has been going on with cloudnovel and the emails being sent out :)
@kallie44 You are more than welcome to create your own servers if you would rather allow death threats to be repeatedly sent to your members within your own discord server. We just don't allow messaging threats of killing another user, within our official discord. This is a safety issue, as I hope you can understand, not many people want to be threatened to be murdered, every day.
@kallie44 T-Thank you so much for this server. i just joined it and Wow.... This is wild. I'm going to tell everyone at the business I work at. 😳😳😳