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"Here, let me show you," he said and took the phone, and showed her some of the basic things on it. 
"Ah, it is like a mini computer", she said with excitement.
"Yeah, it is!"
"So many possibilities I can do with it."
Name- Fumika Allen
Nickname(s)/Aliases- Fumi
Age- 14 (Death Age) 140 
Gender- Female
Height- 5'4
Species- Ghost
Sexuality- Lesbian
Personality- She is quite cold towards people and seems to be terrified of planes.
Background- A Japanese-American who lived in Hawaii near Pearl Harbor, she died in the bombing of Pearl Harbor by a plane.
Power(s)- Fortune - The bearer of this power attracts good luck wherever they go, the effect is boosted when equipped any variety of good luck charm. The user may lend their charms to others to grant them good fortune. 
Weakness- The only way to mess up or reverse the effects of Fortune is the power Jinx.
