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What is this? A roleplay without a story set. Yep, this roleplay has no exact story expect that is going with the flow of the roleplay. This is totally not become chaotic at one point *nervously laughs*

  1. Make your own story 
  2. Keep OPness to a minimum 
  3. Feel free to use your own character sheet
  4. Ask permission for ships/crushes
  5. Don’t take control of others’ characters 
Name: Shaka Attu
Nickname(s)/Aliases: ???
Gender: Male
Age: 9
Race: Lioman (Lion/Human Hybrid)
Power(s): Adapt
Power(s) Info: The user can adapt to the environment around them. Both the user themselves and their mobility changes to the environment around them. The user can change their form and keep that form for at least two hours.
Drawback(s): Overuse can cause extreme headaches.
  • Each environment change takes time
  • Depending on how much changes the user takes, their body stays in that form for a few days
Personality: Just like any other child, Cheka is very playful, cheerful, and seemingly oblivious.

((okay that character is adorable))
((imma join n make a character))
Name: Hayato Shiraishi
Nicknames: Haya (if you call him this, you’re dead)
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Species: Demon
Height: Tall
Weight: Average
Hair color: White/tan (depends on the lighting)
Eye color: Bright blue
Complexion: Slightly light
Tattoo(s): A seven-sided star between his shoulder blades
Scar(s): n/a
Clothing Style / Preferences: Anything he can move in, never in color
Hobbies: Reading, being with his sister
Likes: Books, his sister, darker colors
Dislikes: Bright lights, his eyes
Strengths: Literal strength, smart
Weaknesses: Always soft when it comes to his “baby” sister
Habits: Combing his hand through his hair
Powers: Changing form and different demon magic things (this cs is already long so imma not say all of it XD just know that they don't have curses and stuff to do everything)
Skills: Fighting, flying, cooking

Name: Akako Shiraishi
Nicknames: Aka
Gender: Female
Age: 12 (trying out rping her younger)
Species: Half-demon
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Hair color: White
Eye color: Purple
Complexion: Slightly light
Tattoo(s): A seven-sided star between her shoulder blades
Scar(s): n/a
Clothing Style / Preferences: Anything fashionable and cute
Hobbies: Hanging out with friends, gaming
Likes: Sweets, videogames, Hayato
Dislikes: Bitter tastes
Strengths: Positive and friendly
Weaknesses: Sometimes too positive, weak
Habits: Braiding Hayato’s hair
Powers: Only changing forms
Skills: She’s the goddess of otome games

(Whenever you want to start typing, I am ready.)
Name: Viviane Noyer 
Nickname(s)/Aliases: Vivi
Gender: Female 
Age: 16
Height: 5’3
Race: Feliman (Cat/Human Hybrid)
Power(s): N/A
Personality: Viviane is polite, open-minded, and bubbly girl. She is however a little naive.

Name: Wolfy
Symbiote Name: Distortion
Powers: Shape-Shifting, Shielding, and Reality-bending
Age: 40
Birthday: 05/16
Allies: Eddie/Venom
Enemies: ?
Looks: Black hair, Black clothes, Purple eyes, Purple Hair fade, Purple socks, Black and Purple Belt and shoes
Likes: Killing, Eating, and Darkness
Hates: Lights, Impatient people, and Fat-f*cks
*Shaka walked down the sidewalk as he carried his backpack*
*Walking around in the shadow of his Black umbrella so as to not be in sunlight Wolfy/Distortion go to the school to find his employer, the Principle
Wolfy: Ugh I hate it here, I'm just going to find him and see what my job is

Shaka: “Daisy Daisy, give your answer do.”
*He sung as he walked to the elementary school*