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This is the world of Minecraft. You are a person who as just spawned into this world, and you stumble upon my shrine, the Brine Shrine, where I, Herobrine reside. You become fearful of me, and you run to my twin brother, the Minecraft God of Creation, Steve for help to defeat me, and you merge together.
Name- Herobrine
Age- Unknown
Gender- Male
Species- The Minecraft God of Distruction
Sexuality- Straight
Family/relationships- His twin brother, the Minecraft God of Creation Steve
Personality- Dark, cunning, insane, funny, smart, heavily sarcastic, smart
Likes- Distroying things, killing animals for the sear enjoyment
Dislikes- People who disrespect him, his brother, and Minecraft humans
Herobrine sits on his throne, skeletons walking around.
Herobrine- Max, get me my enchanted Netherite swords, the ones with the best enchantments you can ever get in this world.
He looks at the nearest skeleton, and it nods, and salutes, and runs to get his swords.
The skeleton comes back and hands him his swords, and he puts them on his back. 
Herobrine- Thank you.
Name: Jesse Granger
Gender: male
Leader of the Order of the Stone
Hero in Residence
Universe: Story Mode 
Herobrine sits back in his throne, as a skeleton comes running rom the entrance to the BrineShrine.
Skeleton- Sir, sir, theres someone here!! At the entrance to the shrine!
Herobrine- Hmm, really?
Skeleton- YES!
Herobrine- Okay, I will check it out.
He gets up off ogf his throne, and floats to the entrance to the shrine, then sees Jesse all suited up in his armor and his enchanted daimond sword in hand.
Herobrine- Hello, Jesse.
Jesse: I read your note, why am I here?
Herobrine- No, you read my sign. I do not know why you are here, other than that you wish to fight me, and I will win!
He blasts him back, and it terrifies Jesse enough to run off and try to find the Steve Shrine, where the Minecraft God of Creation, and Herobrines twin brother lives.
Besse: Master, I brought Jesse here so you can kill him.

Herobrine- No, I will not kill him right now. He deserves to have a fight, let him free, and let him find my pesky twin brother, Steve. They will merge together. Then I will fight him. Understood Besse?
He looks at Besse, his eyes glowing a bright white, signaling that now is not the time to argue.
Besse: yes, master
Herobrine- Good. Begone Jesse. We will fight another day, until then, leave.

Besse: yes, master
He shoves Jesse away, sending him away, terrified, and looking for Herobrines brother Steve. Herobrine sends Besse to polish his enchanted Netherite swords.
Herobrine- And do not scratch them. I find any scratches on my swords, and you will pay for it, understood?